Virtual Artist Talk: Luvia Lazo

Thursday April 25, 6 pm CST

Image by Luvia Lazo

Luvia Lazo is a Zapotec photographer from Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca. Photography is her way of portraying the worlds to which she belongs.

Her work aims to capture reality from the perspective of the contemporary Zapotec woman, creating a constellation of images through time and spaces in Oaxaca, documenting the generational gaps and the transformation of identities across ages.

She is a recipient of the Jóvenes Creadores grant of the FONCA 2020 (National Fund for the Culture of the Arts, Mexico) and inaugural recipient of the Indigenous photo grant 2021.

Read more about Luvia in the New Yorker here and on her website here.


Virtual Artist Talk: Gabriela Ortega


Estudio Abierto / March - April 2023 residents